Bren 8th November 2017

One sister and four brothers but only one Tony, who was always teasing us all which was so like our father. As a sibling Tony would wind everyone up which was extremely good at and you would have thought that as we all grew older he would have become more complacent but oh no!! not Tony. As he grew older he became an expert at winding everyone up and teasing right to the end of his life. For an example: You would spend hours getting ready for a special occasion and Tony would say, I thought you said you were getting ready to go out.... Many of you would have seen him get so frustrated with himself especially on the golf course but this was only due to his own expectations of himself getting frustrated and feeling he could do better. He did however, grow in many other lovely ways such as being there for our family and our expanding family by showing he cared and loved us all in so many ways and would always be there for us. Miss you so very much but you will always be in our hearts. Always xxxxxx